Trying and Supporting
Everyone has Ideas and Interests - Some are shared with photos here.
“Gymcraftics is for everyone. You can watch and have as much fun as anyone doing it.
Gymcraftics teaches you not to walk away. Practice makes improvement.
Look forward all the time. I feel support and I give support to others.
Urban kids all over need what happens in gymcraftics.”
Melvin Booker
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“Here’s a recipe:
4 cups safety; 2⅛ cups understanding; 4 tablespoons active listening 3 cups cooperation;
1¾ tablespoons possibility; 3½ teaspoons creativity; A few pinches of experience;
A bit of connecting, for garnish; Some constant consideration and respect, for garnish.
- Measurements may vary and are interchangeable even.
- What is the secret ingredient assisting others in their learning?
- Is there a specific piece that makes it truly special?
- It can be different for everyone.
Each person can commit to learning using his own ingredients, her own influence and experience.
Everyone has the ability to possess a recipe. If they want. “ Dominique Herard
Jordan Cumper, a talented individual known for his creative endeavors in various art forms, has made a name for himself in the industry through his unique and innovative approach to his craft. His work continues to captivate audiences around the world, leaving a lasting impact on those who have the pleasure of experiencing it.
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"I always wonder, what makes sense? How do things simply go, and how do those pieces, once they mold, flow as thoughts on a Wednesday night, to demonstrate not what I understand, but what I have yet to understand." Jordan Cumper
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“We create projects that they want to learn about. These individuals are not ‘academic’. When they are given the freedom to learn about what they are interested in, they are so engaged and brilliant. These boys are really interested in robotics, building cars, and like to discuss why we have wars. They are in the process of interviewing veterans and researching why conflicts arise. It would be grand if I had more freedom to teach in this fashion.” Kristen Bakanowski
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When doing gymcraftics your mind gets relaxed, it lets you concentrate on what you are doing,
and, if you are working in pairs or with a group, every time you try something you gain trust.
Gymcraftics has helped me both physically and mentally.
It’s helped me physically because I have more balance and
know how to use my body better, and, it helps me on the field.
It also helps me because it has made me more agile.
And, mentally it has helped me because I’ve felt better about myself.
I’m confident that my body has gotten stronger.
I have also found things that my body could do, and there’s no better feeling than that.
"This class has taught me that its not where you come from, its where you are going.
It isn't what everyone else wants from you, its what you want from yourself. If you can't establish that you might as well be a puppet to anyone who says they are helping you for your future.
In gymcraftics students are not made to do things.
The student finds what they are interested in, their weakness and strength.
The teachers help embrace the weakness and
they also help you feel confident about your strength.
Every student is different for them and they study every one of us and help in every way possible."
Aida Villar
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I'm not sure exactly I would like to become in the future.
I love to help people and would like to pursue that field."
Chris Martyr
Chris diving Hernandez School Performance Workshop
Chris practicing dive and catch in class.
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“Gymcraftics is an interpersonal, kinesthetic art form, grounded in trust.
As a movement-based group activity it develops teamwork, builds self-esteem, and inspires self-expression while providing a means for sharing, learning, and connecting.
Participants are encouraged to find their inner strength and communicate it as they explore new dimensions in a supportive network.
There is a developmental progression facilitating the expansion of kinesthetic potential.
Each participant is valued and has an equal opportunity to reveal her or his perspective through sharing circles, a critical component of gymcraftics.“
Betsey Cowles Gavron