Support student interests - - - - - - photos, video, notes

Support Student Interests - Photos, Video, Notes

What might be the dynamic of a process that supports each student?

* How do next steps begin?

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-- Video included --

Doing something new.

Doing something new.

Concentrating and learning.

Concentrating and learning.

Discovering a process and ability. Finding creative ways.

Discovering a process and ability. Finding creative ways.

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What interests does each person bring to:

Something they want to try?

Work or School related learning and / or classes?

Activities that exist in “the community”?

Family discussions.

Conversations with friends and others?

Has each person received support?


Hannah and Kristen - balancing  before pole vaulting.

How do we listen to each student’s interests, provide assistance, and, open a door for exploration? 

Inverting on a trapeze.

Inverting on a trapeze.

Inverting on a bent pole.

Inverting on a bent pole.

Running, taking off, inverting, going over the crossbar.

Running, taking off, inverting, going over the crossbar.


           What choices has a person made related to:

  • Activities?

    School courses?

    • What they may want to explore?

Who is listening and seeking to learn about the person who requests support?

  • In Artistic, Athletic, and Educational Endeavors

  • Once interest is indicated, questions may be asked and information about the student’s thinking & interests can grow - with support.

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 “I am interested in things that are challenging. I like to figure things out while understanding them. Pole vaulting is so complicated to master, that it brings me satisfaction when I know that something has stuck in my mind. I like anything that makes me think.
Also, I wish I had the answer to help people find out that they don't have to score points all the time. I want to be able to help people understand that winning is not always important."  