** Interest Support Explore Discover **


Connecting and Learning about one's self and others.

As a teacher and coach I found that “gymcraftics” integrated a variety of activities which combine physical, verbal and non-verbal communication, evaluation and feedback experiences.

Since 1961, a growing body of information from students of all descriptions, ages and interests; from urban, suburban and rural settings; about growing and learning through gymcraftics has developed.

I believe that teachers, youth leaders, coaches and counselors can use gymcraftics activities and methods to learn about their students and themselves.

I have used "gymcraftics" as an educational tool. As I record my work and talk with students and those working with students, I am increasingly aware of the impact that the ongoing process of gymcraftics as a class, activity, group process, and learning structure has on its participants and observers.

Gymcraftics has diagnostic, instructional and supportive components. It can help us understand how to create and nurture environments of learning and personal growth? 

If gymcraftics is integrated into school and community programs, the means for identifying and supporting individual interests will be strengthened. The following process is one way to consider the use of gymcraftics.

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Individuals discover their potentials through:

I. Voluntary Participation:

Activities include: pairs balancing; small group body forms; domino lines; structure building; and, choreography of movement sequences - sometimes to music.

II. Observation:

For students, teachers, counselors and administrators - observation promotes understand. Those who wish to participate decide when and where to join in. Others are able to see the process at work, whether as observer, participant, or, both.

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III. Projects: The nature of gymcraftics lends itself to "Interdisciplinary" projects and activities. When students initiate ideas, they bring personal interests to the table of learning.

Kristen: gymcraftics, making a bowl, coaching

“I am interested in things that are challenging. I like to figure things out while understanding them. Pole vaulting is something so complicated to master, that brings me satisfaction to know that something has stuck in my mind. I like anything that makes me think.
       Also, I wish I had the answer to help people find out that they don't have to score points all the time. I want to be able help people understand that winning is not always important. I tried over the season to help my team and coaches, but, sometimes I got aggravated because they didn’t get it. During my 9th and 10th year of high school I went along with whatever my coaches said. I always thought that they knew everything, so I would never mention anything, or voice my opinion because they were old, and I was just a teenager. What would I know. I was never given the opportunity to say what I wanted. I thought that you had to win all the time, and I would do anything for the team to score the extra point to win the meet.

I now know that I was doing to much. Last year when I came to airtime, I was in such a positive environment that it wasn't about winning anymore. I think that was because I was in an environment where your accomplishments and feelings are positive about yourself and your goals. I began to excel in everything I did track wise. I wanted to do better in school, and everything else I did. I set more goals for myself, and, I never doubted my self in situations when a year before, in the same situation, I would have. I discovered ability that was inside me, that I probably would have never discovered if I hadn't come to airtime.
Also, I hope that you can help in some way with my interest in using more effort to discover my abilities academically. I want to do better and I know that I can if I just give the extra effort.  Before grades didn't really matter to me, now I want to learn.” Kristen

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IV. Communication / Evaluation: During all phases of the activities in gymcraftics, time is taken for pairs, small groups and the larger whole group to present and share that which they have been creating. The time taken provides new thinking, positive support and interest by others for that which is being created.

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Gymcraftics Facilitates Learning by:

Encouraging, Listening, Communicating, Exploring & Improving

Words cannot explain the energy that is present when the desire to explore, figure out and discover is present.

The learner in each of us is challenged when we hear, see or discover a dimension that offers a new insight or perspective. When working with an individual, reviewing the present foundation of skills they possess, and, considering progressions that may lead to a developing technique.                                         Enter Abraham Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs. ‘When safety and security are present, the athlete is in a place, emotionally, to trust the next step and move toward the development of skills’

Goals, such as the understanding of a “mastery process” are important for all learning. Each persons interests and learning process is unique and different. Setting up a meaningful progressions helps the coach develop confidence with those who are learning complex sequences of new skills.

When coaching, I spend time and effort making sure that each person expressed his or her opinion clearly. Though this is an idea new to most, the learners are the teacher as shown in the diagram below.

Once an athlete is able to communicate well, and I have read and re-read the athlete, almost like a book, productive work begins.


Few athletes, coaches and parents understand that competence in complex events takes many years to develop. For many the idea that running faster, holding higher and having determination and courage are prerequisites for success. Not so, they can be the components of a pending disaster. The learner excels when a dynamic learning process fits their individual needs and capacities.

As distance coach, Percy Cerutty said: “Difficult things take time to learn, impossible things, a little longer.” 

When support is available and the individual is interested in working on developing combinations of skills - improvement takes place. 

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Students who have done Gymcraftics find many ways to explore their interests & potentials

























Kristen Lindsey Michael